Expert Advice
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With a new netball season here, many players are searching for the ideal pair of shoes to help them perform their best on court. However, with so many options and...
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Explore our H124 Sportstyle lookbook to see how Mizuno Ambassadors Morgan Mitchell and Alex Neal Bullen are wearing the latest drop.
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*Mizuno Black Friday Sale applies to selected footwear, apparel and outlet items discounted up to 60% off. This offer is only available on the onlin...
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Find the best places to run in Victoria and Tasmania.
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Adelaide is an excellent running destination. With less traffic and an abundance of state parks and bushy areas in close proximity to the city, Adelaide runn...
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If you’re a Sydneysider, you know that running through the dirt trails of Centennial Park and down to Macquarie’s Chair form the heartbeat of Sydney’s running...
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Explore our New Seasnon Sportstyle lookbook to see how Mizuno Ambassadors Morgan Mitchell and Alex Neal-Bullen are wearing the latest drop.
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Running can seem quite daunting for a first timer. To make it easier, Team Mizuno have put t...
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As more recreational and competitive runners take their running off road, we are seeing trail shoes make their way into weekly shoe rotations. And so they sho...
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Podiatrist, running coaches and shoe shop specialist have for the longest period of time encouraged runners to alternate their shoes to maintain healthy outcomes...
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Should you run while pregnant? Kirstin Bull, Mizuno Ambassador, Running Coach and Ultra Runner Starting a family can be a life goal fo...
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Jess Spendlove & Chloe McLeod – Advanced Sports Dietitians and Co-founders of Health & Performance Collective The Burrito bowl would have to be one of ou...
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6 Thoughts
Below are some things that I think are missed in many of the online programs and strategies I am seeing at the moment. That is not to say that these p...
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Does Nutrition and Movement always find a way to fall off your to-do list? Learn how to make it a priority with Jess and Chloe from the Health & Performance C...
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What does training look like after becoming a parent? David Flanagan shares his thoughts.
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Need tips for the City2Surf? Ask three top athletes – Charli Hoffmann, Sam Douglas and Tim Ford – to give you their advice for the Cit...
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Written by Shannon Taylor
"Not only have I lost 85kg’s but I have discovered a passion for running that I never knew existed"
To Appreciate where you are, you n...
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Experience the thrills of a European trail race through the eyes of our resident running Doctor David Lipman.
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